


Hi, I'm Creek - the Survival CEO.

I'm a pharmacy school dropout turned WILDERNESS SURVIVAL INSTRUCTOR. I spent 15 years of my life working jobs I didn't like—always trying to figure out how to make my part-time survival training business profitable. I wanted to do what I loved for a living but I didn't know how. However, I didn't quit, and I eventually figured out a system that worked! I've used that system to start, grow, and scale multiple businesses in the survival/outdoor space. Now, I’m sharing how I did it with others. If you've ever dreamed of turning your passion for the outdoors into a part-time or full-time business, then I have something very valuable to teach you.

Do any of these sound familiar?

You're making YouTube videos or writing blog posts but can't figure out how to actually make money sharing your knowledge?

It’s not your fault and you’re not inadequate! Just imagine a model where you don’t have to give all of your valuable skills away for FREE and one that allows you to use your knowledge to attract your perfect customer who is EAGER to pay you for your experience, knowledge, products, and services.

You know you want to pursue a career doing what you love, but you have NO IDEA where to start?

Join the CLUB! I was in the “starting phase” for 12 years, blindly hiking without a map. I’ll give you a HINT—it’s all about the foundation you lay. As long as you start with the right foundation for creating content, attracting customers, building your email list, and offering products and services—EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE.

You've started a business in the outdoor space but are struggling to figure out how to grow it—you're just not getting the traction you'd hoped for?

It’s because you’re not following a proven “blueprint” for using your content to attract the right people who want to LEARN from you and BUY your products and services. Your perfect customer won’t just randomly appear out of the blue. You need a strategy for finding them, engaging them, and providing your expertise to them!

You work a full-time JOB and try to “squeeze in” what you really love to do when you have the time on evenings and weekends?

Doesn’t that seem backwards? Trust me—there IS A BETTER WAY. I’ll teach you how to build a back-end SYSTEM that flips this feeling upside down. Imagine spending most of your time doing EXACTLY what you love and NO TIME at a JOB? How would that feel?

You have no email list and no following and think that making progress seems impossible.

That’s OK! We all start from ZERO. The good news is that I’ve figured out a handful of “traffic hacks” that will help you quickly (and for FREE) attract your perfect customers who will WANT to learn from you and purchase your products & services.

You've made some money, but not enough to get out of the "hobby" category.

It’s time to stop treating your business like a hobby and start treating it like a business. Ironically, when you build your business on a proven system and engage your ideal customers, you will have MORE TIME (and more money) to enjoy your HOBBY!

You've invested a lot of time trying to grow your Social Media following, but have no $$$ to show for it?

It’s time to RETHINK what you’ve been told about reaching your perfect audience and selling products and services online. Many are discovering that the endless struggle to amass Facebook followers and Instagram likes isn’t sustainable and does VERY LITTLE for actually building a business. It’s all about your MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE—your in-house email list! You’ll quickly discover that your income is directly related to the size of your email list. Get ready to learn how to GROW your email list—AND your income!


Are you ready to turn your passion for your favorite thing to do outside into an actual business?

Not only is it possible, but the opportunity to do so has never been better. But—I need to tell you a secret that almost no one knows...

It will NOT happen on its own.  You must build a strategic foundation—a system—that automatically builds an engaged audience and sends you a steady stream of customers who are interested in purchasing your knowledge, products, or services.

If you want to make money from your "hobby," then you must treat your hobby like a business.  And businesses are built on systems.

Trust me—I struggled trying to turn my passion for wilderness survival into a profitable business for over 12 years. I worked extra jobs at nights and on weekends to pay the bills.

But once I figured out a system that worked, I was not only able to quit my other jobs (yes, plural), but I also started 5 more businesses—all revolving around what I love (survival skills). In under 5 years, I’ve turned my passion for teaching wilderness skills from a hobby (that barely covered it’s own expenses) to a 7-figure business using my Survival CEO Blueprint System. I know it sounds cliche, but my job rarely seems like work!

I was only able to do it because I figured out a repeatable strategy that brings me qualified customers (24/7), builds my in-house email list, and helps me sell my products and services (all automatically)—while I spend most of my time doing the one thing I love—teaching Wilderness Skills!


What if I told you...

There is a way to share your knowledge about what you love (for free) with the world... and that by sharing that knowledge you can build an engaged in-house email list of customers... who will purchase a variety of products and services that you create ABOUT what you love to do (over and over again).

So what is the map for getting you from where you are right now to exactly where you want to be?


With this course, we’ll transform your favorite outdoor passion from a “side-hustle-maybe-one-day” pipe-dream into a “main-hustle-right-now-never-gonna-look-back” living-the-dream reality.



I'll share with you the exact system I've used to start, build, and scale multiple businesses within the outdoor space and grow my in-house email list to over 50,000 engaged subscribers! It teaches you how to share content related to what you enjoy. And it teaches how to: 1) Find your perfect customers, 2) Build your email list, and 3) Automatically sell your knowledge, products, and services.


The Survival CEO Blueprint consists of 5 fundamental pillars that make up a very powerful marketing and sales system. Together, we will build one pillar per week throughout the course.



In this module, you’ll choose and build out your own platform and blog space (if you don’t already have one) to serve as a hub for your content and email list-building efforts.  You’ll create the key web pages you need and set everything up for success.



By the time you’re done with PILLAR #2, you’ll understand the RIGHT WAY to build content that attracts your perfect audience.  CONTENT IS KING!  You’ll learn exactly how to choose topics that your ideal customer is already searching for.  You’ll write your own blog posts according to my proven BLOG POST TEMPLATE.  We will cover all of the important SEO tactics so that you’ll quickly rank with Google.  You’ll TWICE BAKE your content to create valuable Lead Magnets and multipurpose your content on social media and other platforms to get more traffic!  I walk you through every step of the process with video tutorials, step-by-step instructions, and fill-in-the-blank templates.



Here, you’ll learn how to generate FREE BUT NOT FREE traffic.  It will require work, but I’ll save you a ton of time (and money).  You’ll master my secrets that GET RESULTS.  We attack guest blog posting, Pinterest, YouTube strategies, Facebook Group Marketing and several other hidden gems.  You’ll master each one, step-by-step, and apply them to your CONTENT and business right now!  I’ll give you my TRAFFIC CHECKLISTS to make it super simple, so you don’t miss a single step in the process.  Just follow my Traffic Formula and watch the stats start to climb.



This is where you’ll start to BUILD your in-house email list—the lifeblood of your business—like a seasoned pro.  We will make sure you have everything in place to capture emails.  You’ll integrate all the moving pieces, learn how to build successful Lead Magnets, and integrate them strategically into your business.  I’ll help you develop your PDF downloads, your online challenges, your checklists, your free videos, and any other Lead Magnet you wish to use.  I’ll show you the ones I use to build my own list and how to copy them for your own business.  You will become an email list building MONSTER!  I want you to live and breathe EMAIL LIST BUILDING.  Your email list is your most valuable business asset!  Remember, your income will be directly proportional to the size of your email list.  Get ready to grow both!



By the time you’re finished with this module, you’ll begin turning cold leads into warm prospects. You’ll use my tried and true process (and fill-in-the-blank templates) for writing email on-ramps.  These templates alone are worth the price of the course!  I take all of the guess work out of the process for you—just follow my Customer On-Ramp Formula!

Once all 5 PILLARS are in place, it’s time to turn on the switch and reap the rewards of a well-oiled marketing machine!

What are current students saying???


Hutch Hutchings, Owner

Check out my business, see that I am real and I am thriving, feel free to ask about my experience. None of this existed a short time ago. For years I have tried paying for marketing, devoted hours to social media, taken seminars, and even attended some rather pricey in-person classes. None of it worked. In fact, a few were out and out scams. I met people with incredible skill and talent that were also failing like I was. I had decided that hard work was not enough, it had to be luck. I was thinking like a loser and feeling like one. In fact, I was so low that I would not have even risked signing up for Creek’s course, but I had a friend who believed in me, and this course was a gift that I will forever be thankful for. I had no idea where to start or what to try. What I liked most about the course is that you do not have to know how to sell your classes or product. Heck, you don’t even have to know what you are selling! Creek has designed a road map, a paint by numbers system. Follow it, and you go through every step together. Prior to this course I could not even do the simplest things on the computer. By the end of day one I had a domain name, an LLC, and a web page. The course is filled with worksheets and tutorials that will help you design a successful or more successful version of your dream. The entire process is so detailed it far outlived any of my expectations. On top of that, when I ran into problems, I was blown away by how quickly Creek answered my emails. This course will change the way you look at your business, no matter how successful it currently is.

I now have a start-up that is way more successful than any start-up statistically should be. I am going back to previously failed projects and making them successful, and I just started the ground work on a dream I never even thought was within my grasp. It is not easy, it’s not quick, but it is real and it is life-changing. This class taught me to make my own luck and to carve my own way. Creek, thank you forever and for everything.
— Hutch Hutchings,

I now have 5 glowing reviews. And have made $1,112.35 since September - - - 21 orders now. Just received another order just this morning for 3 moccasins. $157.48 in 5 minutes. . . it’s fantastic. I now know how it feels to make money almost doing nothing at all. Thank you Creek for pushing me in this direction. You Challenge me at EVERY turn. Thank You for THAT too.
— Eileen, Pennsylvania

Watch these short interviews with students who invested in themselves and joined me in the 5-Pillar Blueprint Course!


In just 30 minutes a day, for a few weeks, I’ll teach you how to turn your passion for the outdoors into a REAL business. I’ll do it using the same proven 5-PILLAR SYSTEM that I used to build my own outdoor businesses below:



APOCABOX is a subscription survival box with monthly earnings in the 6 figures. I ship TENS of THOUSANDS of APOCABOXes all over the world each and every year. If you’re wanting to sell PHYSICAL PRODUCTS to your customers, my SURVIVAL CEO Blueprint can help you just as it has helped me.

What physical products would your ideal customer be interested in purchasing?


Serving 1000’s of people each and every month, SSOTMC is a subscription service where I teach a unique survival skill (delivered via email and snail mail) to people all over the world. People laughed at me when I told them I was going to CHARGE for my knowledge of survival skills rather than give it all away for FREE on YouTube, BLOG posts, and Social Media. I used the SURVIVAL CEO Blueprint to build this knowledge-based business to over $10,000 a month in sales.

Do you have knowledge to share with the world?



Each and every month, I teach 1000’s of subscribers from all over the world how to identify, harvest, prepare, and eat a specific Wild Edible Plant. Monthly subscription plans start at $4.99. I’ve used the SURVIVAL CEO Blueprint to build a recurring monthly income of 1000s of dollars. The best part is that I get to do EXACTLY WHAT I LOVE—get out in the woods to photograph and study Wild Edible Plants.

What do you want to spend your time doing?

WILLOWHAVENOUTDOOR.COM & Willow Haven Outdoor Training Facility (Central Indiana)

WillowHavenOutdoor is my Survival Training Facility located in Central Indiana. I use the SURVIVAL CEO Blueprint to MAX OUT every single boots-on-the-ground course that I offer. Gone are the days of struggling to fill courses. Now, I have a steady stream of interested prospects.

What would it feel like to fill up all of your own LIVE courses with eager, excited, and paying customers?


You don’t need to be a computer whiz (I wasn’t), you don’t need a big online following (I didn’t have one), and you don’t need lots of money (I didn’t have any). All you need is 30 minutes a day and the drive to stick with it. Is your dream worth 30 minutes a day?


You want to do what you love for a living, right? You’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I was exactly where you are. It took me over 15 years to figure out how to turn my passion for Wilderness Survival into a REAL business. But once I figured out a repeatable and proven system, everything changed. I will teach you how to do it, too!


The Survival CEO 5-Pillar Blueprint course is currently being offered for $697. By the time you’re done with the course, you’ll have a fully functional 5-Pillar System up and active online—everything from your blog platform to your email collector and lead magnets. I’ll teach you through screen capture videos, click-by-click, exactly how to implement every single piece. You’ve got 30 days to take the course and if you’re not getting results, then I’ll refund your enrollment fee. There is no risk.


Your course purchase includes unlimited email and private Facebook Group support. I also offer (optional) premium LIVE weekly strategy and coaching calls as a part of a Survival CEO Mastermind Group, which I’ll tell you about if you join the course.


FREE BONUSES: Included with the course!

(VALUE OVER $5000!)

  1. Creek’s BLACK BOOK of Resources: This is a collection of my most valuable resources that I use in my own businesses. It includes everything from who I use for designing Lead Magnets to where I order my custom packaging and office supplies from. It contains contacts and resources that I use to run my my business every single day. Want to know what attorney I use for trademarks? He’s in there. Want to know who I use for a website problem? She’s in there. Want to know who I use for designing books? She’s there. All of it!

  2. Creek’s $2000 Waiver of Liability: This Waiver of Liability that I use for my Online and Offline Courses is an invaluable resource to any Outdoor Skills Instructor. I’ve been given permission from my attorney to offer this to you as a FREE BONUS with this course. Just edit it for your own needs for liability protection! It cost me $2,000 to have it drafted!

  3. Creek’s $8,000 Press Release: When I wrote my first book, I hired a book publicity company to help me promote it. It cost me $8,000. This is the press release they wrote that put my face on countless new outlets, including Fox & Friends. Since then, I’ve edited and used this same release to land countless appearances on television media and in magazines. I’m including my $8,000 Press Release for FREE. Just edit it to suit your brand and needs and use it to secure free publicity of your own!

  4. YOUR COURSE NOW Online Course: This training helps first-time online course creators get their online course up and ready to sell FAST, so they can generate passive income from their knowledge - EVEN IF - they've never created an online course before AND have no idea where to start! Includes: 30+ Core Training Videos, my 10-Minute Outline Worksheet, SmartPhone Video Masterclass ( How to Film & Edit Your Course Materials on Your SmartPhone), the 20-Minute Sales Page Training & Worksheet, and my Sales Page Video Training & Script.

  5. Mastermind Calls: As a student of the course, you’ll be able to join in on our monthly Survival CEO Mastermind Calls. These happen via Video Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and are a great opportunity to ask myself and other students questions. These are strategy calls to help you implement the tactics and strategies you’ll be learning about and developing in the online video course.